Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Hey! I need material to write about!

Do you have questions you need the answers to right now? Email them to me and I’ll answer them in the blog.

I am sure there are a lot of others who are going through the same situation and would appreciate the response also.

Naturally I will keep your name and information confidential.

Send them to Jeffrey@GetGame.Biz

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

2 days that could just change your life!

I always ask the question; "What are you willing to do today to become more successful tomorrow?"

So next month, on July 17th & 18th you and I will get the opportunity to work on your restaurant together and create a GamePlan for moving it to the next level! I will be conducting my first "whiteboard session"! A "no holds barred" chance for you to get together with a couple of whiteboards, 14 other owners and operators along with myself here in Dallas to create a GamePlan for moving your business forward.

There will be no agenda other than the one you create from the areas of your operation you want to discuss over the two days. Also, since small groups accomplish more in a shorter timeframe, I am limiting it to only the first 15 people who respond. It can be you and your GM, spouse, partner, whomever. But I will only accept 15 people.

The price for the two day sesion is $299 per person. If you're a coaching client your price is only $199 I have had so many requests for this that I seriously expect the slots to be filled by the end of today. Right now, I have no plans for another one any time soon. I am just way too busy traveling the country coaching clients.

Visit the link for the sessions here!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Seven Fixes to Tame the Beast Called Turnover

What can you do to fix or control your turnover problem?

1. Make managers accountable for retention. Often times, restaurant owners are concerned about financial results at the expense of employee turnover. What they don't realize that constant turnover is crippling the operation. High turnover leads to poor service, and low employee moral. Do you want unhappy employees service your customers?

2. Train managers to establish and develop retention skills, instead of simply following policies and procedures. So often I see restaurant operators enforcing policies that encourages employee turnover.

3. Improve hiring and selection. By improving the selection process you increase your chances of finding the right employee for the job. This can dramatically decrease your turnover.

4. Bolster recruiting efforts. Use all the tools available to recruit the best talent.

5. Increase efforts to retain top talent. You have a lot of money and time invested in your top employees. Take the time to do all you can to retain them.

6. Re-energize and refocus retention programs. Good companies have great managers. Good front-line managers improve employee retention. Managers must gain retention skills, which are distinct from general manager competencies. Managers must be retention monitors, trust builders, "empowerers" and experts in demonstrating and promoting flexibility.

7. Make turnover reduction part of your organization' culture, not just a short-term campaign.

Nine Ways to Improve Employee Performance

1. Hire the values you are looking for.
2. Find out why employees are not performing and ask what you can do to help them do a better job.
3. Tell employees what you expect.
4. Give employees clear performance standards.
5. Make sure that employees have the tools to do the job.
6. Get employees input on what behaviors they (the employees) should be engaged in.
7. Have employees come up with 10 "house values."
8. Train, coach, evaluate, and reward the values identified above.
9. Improve your feedback by dealing with the problems that are within an employee's control, think through what you will say and how you will say it, and be specific about behaviors rather than attitudes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Passion and Perseverance means more than talent!

Check out this great free article from Psychology Today about hiring more for passion and perseverance than talent!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Hey Friends!

Just a note to let you know that we are back from our first vacation in 2 years and you will start to once again see my postings about every issue concerning our businesses on the website as well as each blog.

I have a ton of articles, information and downloads to share with you so check back daily – or better yet sign up to receive my posts via email!

I hope you are all enjoying increasing success!
