Saturday, July 01, 2006

Exit Interview Questions!

Here are some typical interview questions being included on exit surveys and depending on the answers, most surveys include follow-up questions that hone in on specifics:

  1. Did you find your new job or did it find you?
  2. Were you satisfied with your compensation and benefits?
  3. How did you feel about your supervisor?
  4. How did you feel about the working relationships you had with members of your team?
  5. Did you work give you a sense of accomplishment?
  6. Are there things we could have done to make your job more fulfilling?
  7. Did you feel you had opportunities to expand your knowledge and learning?
  8. What are some things you would address that are problems in the workplace?
  9. What competencies do you feel were required to do your job and did you have them?
  10. What did you like about your job? What did you dislike about your job?
  11. If there were an opportunity to return, would you do that?